Core Ideas of Nihilism

Nihilist philosophy, a philosophy that investigates the lack of meaning, importance, and purpose in life, critiques the very bases of human existence. Deriving from the Latin word "nihil," meaning "none," this philosophy asserts that life is without intrinsic importance, and conventional moral and religious values are unfounded. This viewpoint rose

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Essentials of Utilitarianism

Utilitarianism, a outcome-based theory of ethics created by philosophers Jeremy Bentham and Mill, posits that the optimal action is the one that increases overall well-being or joy. Central to this school of thought is the "Maximization of Happiness Principle," which asserts that behaviors are morally right if they increase happiness and morally wr

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The Essence of Stoicism

Stoicism, an ancient Greek ideology established in the early 3rd century BCE by Zeno, promotes the development of self-discipline and fortitude as a way to defeat destructive emotions. The school of thought maintains that virtue, the ultimate good, is based on understanding and that the wise exist in harmony with the universal Reason that governs t

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Existentialism Unveiled

Existentialist philosophy, a philosophy that developed in the 19th-20th century period, emphasizes personal freedom, free will, and personal experience. Central to this school of thought is the idea that being precedes essence, implying that humans create their own meaning and meaning through their choices. Existentialist thinkers like Jean-Paul Sa

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Observing philosophical topics nowadays

Philosophy might help individuals comprehend and evaluate alternative views.There are many ways that an individual can enhance upon their critical thinking skills. One way in which a person might try this is through learning philosophy. In simple terms, the definition of philosophy is simply the work of learning basic elements within society. Peopl

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